Opening hours: Wed, Sat, Sun 12-17.

CONCERT: Sibelius Academy chamber music concert - Gyllenberg Foundatoin 75 years


15.09.2024 15:00-16:00

CONCERT: Sibelius Academy chamber music concert - Gyllenberg Foundatoin 75 years


Magnus Lindberg (1958-):
…de Tartuffe, je crois

Dmitri Shostakovich (1906-1975):
Piano Quintet in G Minor op. 57

Halo quintet:
Ella Griinari, violin
Emmi Peltola, violin
Alexander Pozdniakovas, viola
Auroora Perttunen, cello
Wilhelm Pilch, piano

The concert is part of Signe and Ane Gyllenberg Foundation's 75th anniversary program. In this concert series we will hear instruments owned by the Foundation. Of these the harp, cembalo and Rombach violin are deposited at the Sibelius Academy and actively used by the students. Besides the instruments deposited at the Academy, the Foundation also owns the grand pianos at Villa Gyllenberg, and a Bergonzi violin, currently played by Minna Pensola. The musicians of this concert are students at the Sibelius Academy.

The concert is included in the museum's entrance ticket (12/10 €, Museum Card).
Duration ca. 45-60 min, no intermission.
No pre-bookings, there may be changes in the program.